FOOT CARE for tired feet made easy
The bones in our feet make up around 25% of the bones in our entire body. When we think of health and well being we often downgrade or miss the all-important structure of our feet and lower doing so we don't pay this area of our body the attention it deserves. From a hygiene perspective, our poor feet suffer cooped up in footwear for most of the day that probably doesn't give our feet a due airing, of course, this applies even more so in the colder seasons. Many of us, around 75% of Americans will actually have some kind of issues around our feet- anything from ingrown toenails to fungal infections and bunions to flat feet- so seek out relevant treatments where needed. Our feet are packed full of nerve endings that deliver messages to our brain and nervous system so we really should take better care of them! Here are some tips for better foot care.