Thursday, December 7, 2017

Custom Brushes

Having trouble finding the right brush?
Look no further! Design your own custom brush today!

Finding the right brush for your application can be difficult. There are many factors to consider when thinking about the right brush for your particular need. What style, shape, and material should the brush be? These are only a few of the many important factors to keep in mind when choosing your specific brush. If you are having trouble finding the right brush, you can specify your perfect brush design at Gordon Brush®! We can design the ideal brush for any situation or application! Whether you need to clean, paint, change a surface, deburr, remove static electricity, or any other use, Gordon Brush® can customize the right brush for your specific application!

Visit our custom brush center to design and craft the specific brush today! We will  cater to each and every need you have. Whether you need a round head, square head, curved head, long handle, short handle, animal hair fill, nylon fill, or any other specification, Gordon Brush® can bring all of your ideas to life! We are dedicated to making brushes that solve problems for our custmers. We have a fast turnaround as ALL our custom brushes are made in the USA. 

If a brush exists, we have it... If it doesn’t, we’ll make it.